Wednesday, April 17, 2013

RG#77: Histogram and Cumulative Histogram with overlayed density plot

## Make some sample data
x <- sample(0:30, 200, replace=T, prob=15 - abs(15 - 0:30))

## Calculate and plot the two histograms
hcum <- h <- hist(x, plot=FALSE)

hcum$counts <- cumsum(hcum$counts)
plot(hcum, main="")
plot(h, add=T, col="grey")

## Plot the density and cumulative density
d <- density(x)
lines(x = d$x, y = d$y * length(x) * diff(h$breaks)[1], lwd = 2)
lines(x = d$x, y = cumsum(d$y)/max(cumsum(d$y)) * length(x), lwd = 2)


  1. why do you need the first line in this code? Please explain!

    thank you!

  2. why do you need the first line in this code? Please explain!

    thank you!


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